A focused life is potentially a fruitful one. Of course it does take more than just focus, but that is a key ingredient to producing fruit. A good place to start is to ask the question, “What are you focusing on?"
Before any of us can truly focus our lives, we have to define our mission; that gives us something to focus on. Without a clear mission we are left without a focal point, and that means we are left without a point for light to rush into.
In optics, it is the point of an image where light is strongest, which causes that part of the image to be in focus. Which part in the grand image of your life is light strongest? That will determine your focus.
Something to think about for sure…the next step would be to write some stuff down, so go ahead!
Awesome thought brother Mike! Keep ourselves focused and get others focused on the will of God and His Harvest! I know that’s what you’re doing while in the USA. I pray the power and virtue of Christ will flow in all your services and that people will see and be struck with the lightenings of God! We love you and your family bro!
Sowing, Plowing, and Reaping,
Brother Frank and Family