John 12:7 AMP
“But Jesus said, Let her alone. It was [intended] that she should keep it for the time of My preparation for burial. [She has kept it that she might have it for the time of My embalming.]”
A look at preparation for Christ’s burial cannot but quickly progress to a focus on His resurrection. The burial was for but a moment in time, the resurrection spans eternity. Preparation for burial was pictured in the anointing oil being poured upon Jesus’ feet, but how does one picture preparation for resurrection?
As I see it, there is only one way to prepare for resurrection, and that is to die. The anointing was to the burial what the burial was to the resurrection, a sequence of events climaxing in the greatest display of power known to man. In essence, the preparation for burial was preparation for resurrection. The anointing to die was an anointing to live.
What happened to Jesus was preparation for something to happen through Him. And such is the story of life; whatever is happening to you, whatever is going on in or around you, all of it is leading up to a display of God’s power through your life…so long as you can maintain the right perspective.
Lack of perspective caused some to scorn what was being done for Jesus in His time of preparation, and that sometimes is the most difficult challenge to overcome. Maintaining the right perspective, the ability to see eternal significance in the midst of present events, is key as the plan of God unfolds.
As the return of Jesus drawn near, every believer is in fact preparing for a resurrection. Keep that in mind and you’ll rise victorious no matter what happens, the good the bad and the ugly…all of it is getting you ready!