The condition of our heart is of utmost value, a condition God well knows. To come into His presence with anything less than total brokenness and humility, is to approach unworthily. Our God is pure and He is holy, and His mercy has purified every believer in Christ. We shouldn’t take that for granted.
Isaiah 1:13 NET
Do not bring any more meaningless offerings;
I consider your incense detestable!
You observe new moon festivals, Sabbaths, and convocations,
but I cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations!
I find that final statement incredibly powerful, that God “cannot tolerate sin-stained celebrations.” Wow, and oh how true it is. How God longs for His beautiful bride to be separate; to be pure and holy as He is.
We thank God for the blood of Jesus, with all its cleansing power; to completely cleanse us from sin, even from its stain. That residue of guilt and shame is taken away by the redeeming power of Christ’s precious blood.
Now, as the redeemed, we live the life of those called out of sin and death and into a glorious life of faith in Christ. We live pure and holy, and it’s all made possible because of the cleansing power of the blood, the Word, and the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit.
1 John 5:7-8 NET
For there are three that testify, the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three are in agreement.
The testimony of God’s Spirit, His Word (the water) and the precious blood of Jesus all agree; you are redeemed, you are pure and holy.
Pure & Holy is part of the Club .99 video collection, subscribe HERE.