Reaching this generation! - Soul-Purpose!

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With the start of the 2014 school year we are once again revving our gospel outreach engines. We understand the necessity of reaching this generation, and with so many young people around us, the opportunities abound. Last year, every Sunday, we were able to reach out to a school with around 200 hostel students. That school has once again opened its doors to us, and the weekend services will resume next Sunday. We went to visit the school this weekend to talk to the hostel wardens (the ones in charge of the kids) and we found out that some of the kids had already gathered in expectation of our return. It’s going to be another great year!

We will also restart our two community children’s outreaches, with other locations on the radar. Other goals of ours include beginning outreach in another school and on one of the college campuses this year. Please agree with us in prayer for the current outreaches and that we would have supernatural favor as we pursue new locations.

Speaking of schools, we’ve now begun our 2nd week of Hope Academy where I’ve been filling in as a substitute teacher. I’m deciding how much I’ll be able to be involved, but I’m sure I will continue teaching the kids to some degree. It’s great to get the extra time with them. Below are a few pictures from inside and outside the classroom.

Thanks again for your prayers and support!

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