There is more power in the born again(21) child of God than most of us realize, and learning to release that power is something we should continually learn and grow in. No one who has been baptized(22) with the Holy Spirit could possibly need “more power”, but if we don’t learn to cooperate with the power that is already in us, it remains unproductive.
The power of God is a wonderful force. It heals(23), forgives(24), and delivers(25). It can open blind eyes(26), and make cripples whole(27). The power of God transforms lives(28), and cannot be stopped(29). God’s power released in your life enables you to do the very same works that Jesus did(30).
So, what can you do in order for all that wonderful power that is inside your spirit to come out and affect your world? Well, I can say this; there are no twelve step programs, and a twenty one day fast is not going to somehow magically make you more powerful. This is a life long pursuit that we must give ourselves to continually(31).
However, there are some very specific things that we can do, which will assist us as we move forward in the power of God. One of these things is to practice praying in the Spirit regularly.
Jude 1:20
But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.”
It is through the “building up” described in the above verse that we experience the flow of God’s power in and through our lives. This is how God’s power is released, and it is in this way that the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses(32). The Bible also calls this process edification, which literally means to be charged.
1 Corinthians 14:4
“He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself…”
Speaking in tongues, as mentioned in the above verse, is the same thing as praying in the Spirit or praying in the Holy Ghost. It is the direct participation of the Holy Spirit in our prayer lives, where the Holy Spirit is able to pray through our spirit in a heavenly language. These Holy Spirit prayers not only build and charge up our spirit man, but also enable us to release God’s power into those areas the Holy Spirit knows we need help in.
Take some time to study the account of when the Holy Spirit first came and filled the disciples of Jesus in Acts 2:1-4. Then, according to Luke 11:13 ask your Heavenly Father to fill you with His Spirit. As you ask, God will answer, and you can then begin to speak in tongues by faith.
Remember, it is a language that only God understands, so don’t feel awkward as words you’ve never heard before begin to pour forth from your lips. This is the power of God, and an important step in the Spirit filled life, which becomes a doorway into more of the supernatural manifestations(33) of the Holy Spirit.
(21) John 3:3-7, 1 Peter 1:23
(22) Acts 1:5,8
(23) Mark 3:15
(24) Matthew 9:6
(25) Matthew 10:1
(26) John 9:19
(27) Acts 14:8-10
(28) Romans 12:2
(29) Acts 5:39
(30) John 14:12
(31) 1 Timothy 4:15
(32) Romans 8:26
(33) 1 Corinthians 12:7-10