We have a great big open door in front of us, with room for 12! It’s the opportunity to make an awesome difference in precious young lives. Our new Hope Home project in Kolkata has launched, and I met our first two boys earlier this week.

Prem & Suman
Both of these sweet little boys, aged 5 and 6 will be given birth dates, (since their birthdays are unknown), in April — after we move them into their new home!
Now, this is where we really need your help. While I was in Kolkata, we found this house…
The location is great and there is room for 12 boys! We will be paying an advance of about $550, and monthly rent is about $250. There are also many items to buy for the home. The Lord has already provided some needed funds for us to move forward with, but there is still plenty of room for more help.
We’ll move into the new house on April 1st, and we’ll be ready to take in two more boys immediately. This is really a wonderful opportunity! These kids are completely without hope, but thanks be to God — we get to step in and be avenues for God to work through, and together we can make a bright future for these children.
Please prayerfully consider joining us. Your support of any amount will make a huge difference. Here is some data to give you a little idea of how you can help.
This email has been sent to 310 people. Of those 310, 32 are currently partnering with us financially. Imagine if the 278 who aren’t supporting us financially gave just $10 per month! That would give us an extra $2780 per month, which would be plenty for the new Hope Home in Kolkata to operate on. Some could give more, some less. Ultimately God supplies, He uses His people, and if you let Him — He will use you!
Of course there’s no pressure to give — your prayers alone can make a huge difference, but if the Lord is speaking to you to join us, please let us know!
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk