It’s pretty sad when believers have to go to church to be revived, rather than living revived lives throughout their week. What’s even sadder is when believers who aren’t living in revival, go to church and don’t get revived there either. To promote perpetual revival in the lives of God’s people in India and around the world, I’ve put together a simple formula for revival. I call it “Spiritual CPR.”
The medical term, CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and as many of you know it is performed on those whose hearts have stopped beating. Through CPR one attempts to revive the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and heart in order to save a persons life.
Well, “Spiritual CPR” does the same thing, spiritually; it revives the flow of God’s life into a person’s spirit and soul in order to save a person from becoming a spiritual corpse. “Spiritual CPR” consists of three things, which if practiced, can cause a person to live a revived life seven days a week.
Those three things are:
- Commit – We’re talking total commitment; like the kind Jesus had, which caused Him to go to Calvary. This kind of commitment will ensure that Mark 4:19 doesn’t happen to you.
- Pray – In prayer, have the picture of seeking the Lord with all your heart in mind. Psalm 22:26 says, “…they shall praise the Lord that seek Him: your heart shall live for ever.” To live means to be revived.
- Repent – This is perhaps the most vital element of all, to be repentant and broken, and to walk in humility before our God. Some sweet verses along these lines are: Psalm 34:18, Proverbs 1:23, 1 Peter 5:5.
Always remember, if you are alive in this hour, then you were born for revival!