Christian Experience Archives - Page 3 of 10 - Soul-Purpose!

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Dangerous ground…

What I’m seeing more and more of these days is fire without foundation, spirituality without sound doctrine, manifestation without meaning. It’s dangerous and it’s deceptive. And, honestly, it’s not real…

May 25, 2011  /  No Comments ››

Keep digging…

They dug once and encountered resistance. They dug again and encountered more resistance. They dug a third time and finally experienced breakthrough.

The moral of the story? Keep digging.

In other words…

March 8, 2011  /  No Comments ››

God always does what He says…

I’m so thankful God can be trusted. His faithfulness is beyond compare. If He said it, He will certainly perform it.

The method of things is His, and the timing of things is His. So, while I wait for His way, and the right season, I simply need to…

March 7, 2011  /  2 Comments ››

The proof is in the power!

Any questions about the life and ministry of Jesus can be answered by taking a close look at what He did. The lame walked, the blind saw, the deaf heard, lepers were cleansed, the dead…

February 18, 2011  /  No Comments ››

Partner Ministries