All the right stuff…
Multiplication is what we’re after, and for good reason. We want more and more people to know Jesus! And it’s rest that we need. Without rest we can never…
No Obstruction…
An obstruction can be anything that keeps someone from their Savior. It could be a special man-made baptism formula that says, “If you don’t do it this way you’re not saved!” That’s an obstruction. It could be the elaborate spending practices of wealthy preachers who…
Everyone believed!
True conversion takes place deep in the heart of an individual. It is the response of a personal encounter with the living God, one that does not depend on the experience of anyone else. It is not emotional but…
If you want inspiration read the Bible! If it doesn’t inspire you, nothing will. The Word of God and the examples therein are infused with inspiration. I’m inspired by…