expectation Archives - Soul-Purpose!

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Best Practices…

There are “best practices” for just about everything. From parenting to preaching, web design to water sports, so on and so forth. You name it, there’s a best practice for it. Best practices are the best methods available and have a proven track record of effectiveness.

Well, what about the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit?

September 30, 2011  /  No Comments ››

The Testimony

Anything God has done, He desires to do again. Every act of power and goodness that God has wrought is a glimpse into His character and desire for mankind. If He’s done it before, He desires to do it again. If He’s done it for someone else, He can do it for you!

I’m encouraged by testimonies because…

April 13, 2009  /  No Comments ››

The final month…

I believe something big is about to take place before this year is out. I have no idea what it means or how it will affect us, there’s just a sense in my heart that this year is going to end in a big way. It might be on a personal level or on more of global scale. This sense may just be a motivator for me to be in great expectation.

Living in suspense of what God will do next is…

December 1, 2008  /  2 Comments ››

Partner Ministries