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Preparation for Resurrection!

What happened to Jesus was preparation for something to happen through Him. And such is the story of life; whatever is happening to you, whatever is going on in or around you, all of it is…

December 3, 2010  /  No Comments ››

All men…

We, the Body of Christ, must partner together in this task like never before. This is our rallying point, the common denominator, the high calling to which we all must arise…together…

December 1, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Stay put!

It’s unspiritual and unscriptural to be in a constant state of movement. Of course, a healthy amount of movement is essential to the plan of God; movement enables progress for His Kingdom. However…

October 26, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Double Trouble!

I believe in the power of focus! It just works. …

September 14, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Partner Ministries