The True Temple
The true temple has been under construction for more than two thousand years! It began when the foundation stone was laid through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ – who is also called the Chief Cornerstone! The true temple…
The Earth Shone & The Temple was Filled
I noticed something the other day that I hadn’t seen before (I love it when that happens, don’t you?). In a familiar passage of scripture from the book of Ezekial chapter 43:5 it says…
Willing to wait…
I’m going to go ahead and give myself some really good advice. Well, actually, I’m going to take some really good advice from the Word of God and apply it! You’re welcome to join me if you’d like…
The main thing…
Let’s remember what it’s all about – People. P-E-O-P-L-E – People. The ones He came to save!
Strengthening relationships, building bridges and making connections are always activities well worth our time. Be that Christian in their life. Be that witness…that representative…that ambassador for the King. It really is…