God's presence Archives - Soul-Purpose!

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Access to His Presence

Sure, even as a half-hearted Christian (whatever that means), I can pretend to enjoy the presence of God. I can dabble around the holy courts of the most high like a pharisee if I want to; putting on an outward show of piety, but inside full of nothing but myself. I can live a…

August 24, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Sent by Glory!

It’s those times spent encountering the presence of God. Those heart-melting encounters that are forever inscribed in your spirit. Those face to face moments with almighty God, when His glory is manifested; it’s those moments that define us, and…

August 23, 2010  /  No Comments ››

Think about what you think about?

I realized something during our Monday night leadership prayer group …

December 4, 2007  /  1 Comment ››

Partner Ministries