The “touch†of prayer…
It’s amazing to me how much prayer can do; it can really do as much as we allow it to do…there’s no limit. It’s simply amazing. When I get to thinking about it, and when that “touch” is released through my life, I kinda feel like I should pray after every conversation. You know, every time we talk, there’s usually some issue that surfaces that needs “the touch”. I just get excited about it because I know, more than anything else I do, prayer works. I never have to wonder. I’m amazed.
Thank God for…
The Prayer Circle
I want to share briefly about a time of prayer we just had with leaders of our church; it was actually more of a time of encouragement, which came as a result of listening to the Holy Spirit.
To the Nations! Part 3
So where are you going? There’s a big world, and …
Prayer Summit!
I have had it in my heart for quite some …