That good part - Soul-Purpose!

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Luke 10:38-42

You know the story…Martha invites Jesus into her home and gets busy, while her sister Mary sits at the feet of Jesus. Here are just a couple observations into this story:

1. Martha was the one who initially invited Jesus in…

a. Interestingly, she was the gateway through which Jesus entered the home. She started great!

2. It wasn’t wrong for Martha to serve Jesus. After all, the King had entered her house. Of course there’s a lot to do.

a. What was wrong? Her attitude – she had lost her joy in the middle of her serving.

b. Jesus was no longer the focus, but she began to focus on her self and others.

3. Mary chose the good “part” which means good participation.

a. That is a choice each of us must make at any given time. We can participate with Jesus when we’re in Martha’s shoes…busy, busy,
busy and we must also do as Mary did and set those times aside to sit at the Master’s feet.

4. The next verses that follow teach us about prayer, and so we know that this “good participation” and prayer go hand in hand.
Luke 11:1-13

Love ya!

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  • Published: 16 years ago on Thursday, January 22, 2009
  • By:
  • Last Modified: September 11, 2009 @ 11:26 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized
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