The Holy Ghost & Fire! - Soul-Purpose!

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We’re in the middle of a Holy Ghost encounter – a time to draw close to Jesus and lead His people into deeper intimacy with Him! Last night, 6 precious saints were baptized in the Holy Spirit and received their prayer languages. Today, some of them and others will be baptized in water and experience resurrection life anew!

Out of this encounter we’re anticipating a fresh flow throughout our work. The Lord’s people are experiencing fresh fullness and receiving fresh fire, and that will bring radical results.

The world needs a people touched by the power of God who will touch the world with the power of God! The baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is the means by which God touches His people with power, enabling them to become powerful witnesses! This baptism is a necessity and should be an emphasis in every Christian’s life.

If you have never been baptized in the Holy Spirit, or if you’ve never received your heavenly prayer language – the gift of speaking in other tongues, I encourage you to seek God and ask Him to fill you with the Holy Ghost & Fire!

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