I’ve often heard that the Lord is not moved by needs, but I disagree. I believe He is very much moved by need, which explains redemption. He moved because of our need!
Faith accesses what the Lord has provided, but it was our need that caused Him to act. He was and still is moved with compassion because humanity desperately needs Him.
Psalm 12:5
Now the question remains; should we be moved by need? Should we arise because the poor are oppressed and respond to the groans of the needy? I believe a resounding YES is in order – absolutely YES!
How will the Lord meet the needs of the world unless His body is moved by them? This is why we go to the nations with the gospel, this is why we reach out to lift up the oppressed, this is what we do, and we realize faith is mankind’s greatest need.
I pray that you will be moved today by the needs around you, and may those needs drive you to the One who has all the answers.