I trust you are well and blessed! Our family is doing great, and we’re thankful for all the Lord is doing. He is Lord of the harvest, and we’re honored to labor in His fields.
I’m writing today to share with you some thoughts on the love of God. We began a series at our church in Sikkim entitled, “Love Came Down”, and it’s been so rich exploring God’s love together as a church. It’s interesting how I was inspired to teach on this topic, and it’s actually a lesson in itself…
As you may know, our family recently returned to India from our trip Stateside, and with all the travel and getting readjusted and everything, I didn’t have clear direction on what to minister on. As I was seeking God about this, the thought came to me to ask my son Joshua a question. His answer became my inspiration.
I asked Joshua, who will turn 8 October 28th, this question,
Joshua, what do you think the most important thing God’s people need to learn is?
That’s a pretty deep question for an almost 8 year old, but I believe in going deep – even at 8. His answer was right on. My son answered by saying, “The most important thing God’s people need to learn is how much He loves them.”
Wow! Yes – yes – yes! That is, without a doubt, the most important thing we need to learn. And, so, we’ve been diving into this topic for the last couple of weeks.
Here’s a thought…
In 1 John 4:16, the Bible says that God is love. Why do you think that is? Well, I know I’m just scratching the surface here, but one of the reasons I believe the Bible says God is love, is because that is one of the most complete and accurate descriptions of God that there is. Love.
In other words, fire IS hot. That’s what it is, and fire will never be anything other than hot. No one ever said, wow – that’s cold fire. Similarly, water IS wet, period. As accurately as hot describes fire and wet describes water, love describes God. He IS love, and He’ll never be anything other than perfect, complete 100% love.
Rest in the love of God my friend. Take it from an 8 year old, this is the most important thing we could ever learn.
Loved to love,
Mike Van Buskirk