The plan... - Soul-Purpose!

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After our quick trip into the storm hit section of North Bengal and Northeast Bihar we found a small village on the outskirts of a junction town called Baraily (also the name of the city my wife Jyoti was born in…a different Baraily though). In Baraily we met village folk who were all impacted by the storm, and we had a glimpse of their plight. You can find a picture album of our new mission here.

We reached the village after they had already begun rectifying their simple homes; roofs were being replaced and walls were being refortified. The condition, though, is still very dire for these people as they have very little resources and are receiving next to no help from the local government.

While in the village we asked our contacts to give us a total count of the number of homes there and today we will make contact with them. After we get their report we will prayerfully consider what we can do to help each family. We’re believing to be able to do something to help each family rebuild their home, and from there we will pursue making the gospel known to the people.

You can begin praying now and as the Lord continues to open this door, you can be involved in brining the gospel to a village that has never heard. What an opportunity! This is what it’s all about.

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  • Published: 15 years ago on Thursday, April 22, 2010
  • By:
  • Last Modified: April 22, 2010 @ 8:24 am
  • Filed Under: Latest Updates
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