The Power of the Holy Spirit Released - Soul-Purpose!

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At the age of 16 my encounter with the Holy Spirit was a supernatural one. The power of the Holy Spirit was released while I was sitting alone in my bedroom after finding a book on the subject laying beside my doorstep. That day changed my life forever. I spoke in tongues for the very first time, experiencing what the Bible describes as “rivers of living water” flowing from my spirit. (See John 7:37)

Fast forward 25 years and the absolute necessity of praying in the Spirit and having His power released has never been more clear to me. It’s something I’ve been practicing personally for the past 25 years, and I cannot even begin to quantify the blessings I have enjoyed as a direct result. For instance, one of those benefits is divine health.

Divine Health

Today, as the world reels under the full force of a fear campaign the likes of which never seen before, the world’s best solution is an experimental injection that has all the hallmarks of the eminent “mark of the beast” (Revelation chapter 13). Is that the Christian’s best option? I don’t think so.

So what does releasing the power of the Holy Spirit mean for you? Let me tell you. Most importantly, it means releasing the very life of God and His disease destroying power, which no sickness has a chance of standing against. Not even covid, or any of its little friends.

The healing power of Almighty God resides on the inside of every child of God. Getting that power out will always be better than putting some lab-created substance in. How do you get the power of the Holy Spirit released in your life? Pray in the Spirit.

For those who like to see the science, praying in tongues has even been studied scientifically. Moreover, those studies are in support of the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. I’ll give you some links below.

When it comes to health, we know that immunity is key. Nothing can replace the system God has designed us with, and there will never be a manmade substitute that can even come close. What if praying in the Spirit could actually strengthen your immune system. I believe it does. Here are two biblical reasons I believe this.

Rest & Refreshing

To whom He said, “This is the rest with which
You may cause the weary to rest,” And, “This is the refreshing”; Yet they would not hear.

Isaiah 28:12

Stress and toxicity are directly related to disease and a weakened immune system, that’s well known. To combat this, God has given us a tool. It’s a weapon of the Holy Spirit that, when utilized, enables us to access a place of rest and refreshing that is so vital. Not only to our spiritual health, but to our our physical well-being also.

The scripture referenced from Isaiah 28 has a literal interpretation toward Israel; that they were conquered by a foreign invader with a foreign language, and God used that occupying force to teach them lessons they had failed to learn. Rest and refreshing were rejected because they would not hear.

This passage has another application though. It’s one for the Church today. Above all, that a force would occupy our lives, the wonderful Holy Spirit is that force, and that He would introduce a language; it’s a supernatural, heavenly language by which we enter a place of rest and refreshing available no other way. Additionally, science seems to support this. You can read about two pieces of research here and here.

Rested & Refreshed

When rested and refreshed by the flowing rivers of the Holy Spirit, His release of power is going to strengthen you against the onslaught of all that would seek to steal, kill, and destroy. God has given His people a means of releasing His supernatural power. This is how we overcome weakness of every kind; whether spiritual or physical. We edify ourselves.

A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally…

1 Corinthians 14:4

In closing, here’s my prayer for you. Firstly, may the release of God’s supernatural power give you supernatural strength! And secondly, may His divine life drive out every lying symptom of sickness and disease from your body.

Finally, remember these two important truths:

#1) According to 1 Peter 2:24, by the stripes of Jesus you are already healed.

#2) According to Romans 8:11, the quickening power of the Holy Spirit is working in you.

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