The proof is in the power! - Soul-Purpose!

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Matthew 11:4

“Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see.”

Any questions about the life and ministry of Jesus can be answered by taking a close look at what He did. The lame walked, the blind saw, the deaf heard, lepers were cleansed, the dead were raised, and the list continues. The greatest witness of His origin is His life of power.

The proof that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Saviour of mankind is found in the works He wrought, and those that continue to be wrought in His name.

The power of God was central to the ministry of Jesus, and must be central in the lives of every believer today. If we remove power, we remove the essential evidence that validates our claims. Therefore, we must have a gospel filled with power to truly testify of the message we proclaim. Jesus understood this, which is why He pointed John to what He said and did.

Dear child of God,

Receive power. Expect power. Don’t be satisfied with a powerless experience with Jesus. God wants you to seek Him and reveal His power to the world around you. Believe, step out in faith, and watch the power of God flow through your life to glorify Jesus!

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