The right stuff... - Soul-Purpose!

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Position is nothing. Character is everything.

  • The greatest position we could ever achieve is the one that our character takes us to.
    • That’s what gives us true spiritual authority…

On another note…I see a huge difference between personality promotion and character promotion. Many in this world experience promotion based upon personality, but character with the world is not an issue. In the Kingdom of God, we become great because of spiritual virtues, not because of soulish ones.

When I possess Christ like character, people will want to follow based on desire not compulsion. Carrying a title might require allegiance and people will follow because they have to, but possessing the right stuff inside will bring a truly spiritual dimension to the relationship.

  • When I posses spiritual authority based on Christ like character; it doesn’t matter if I yell or not. It doesn’t matter how loud I am. Authority will rise up and flow from within.
  • The wrong kind of character will eventually disqualify someone from their position.
    • So again, position is nothing…but character is everything!



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  1. Robin Marsh says:

    Amen! Our talent may bring us to center stage,but it is our character that will keep us there.God bless, and remember,this election outcome just gives us a greater opportunity to pray more for our leaders and our nation,and to build a greater faith based upon Gods word.Continue to pray for laborers to be sent into the harvest and across the paths of those not born again.We all know how God turned Paul in the bible around!!

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