A lot of people believe a lot of different things. Religions run rampant, philosophies are plenty, and then there are the all too many personal opinions that become a religion in themselves.
It’s difficult for the world to process the idea of absolute truth. That regardless of what someone does or doesn’t think, some things are true and some things are not.
Like I heard a pastor say recently, “That’s what you get for thinking when you’re not used to it.” Point being: it doesn’t always matter what you think, and just because you think it, it doesn’t make it truth.
According to the Bible there is a God and He stands alone and apart from the ideas and opinions of men. Regardless of what anyone thinks, there is a God.
Daniel 2:27-28,
“Daniel answered the king, The [mysterious] secret which the king has demanded neither the wise men, enchanters, magicians, nor astrologers can show the king, But there is a God in heaven Who reveals secrets…”
When men fail, there is a God.
Where religions miss the mark, there is a God.
There is a God and God is there, if you’ll but take the time to seek.
There is a God of abundant care, possessor of the weak.
When strength does fail, His arm extends beyond frail inability of created men.
Yes there is a God, He is there and there is here, if you’ll draw near you too can see but first you must believe.