In this hour there’s a new found emphasis on standing up for freedom. In the wake of certain liberties being stripped away, and the idea of law enforcement being disbanded, the crucial topic of freedom is once again at the forefront.

Why is freedom so important for every child of God? There are many reasons. For one, just consider Romans 8:2;
Romans 8:2
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Everything Jesus has done, is for the sake of freedom. He makes you free from sin, death, disease, destruction, and every other thing that comes to steal, kill and destroy.
But notice, it’s a “law” that makes you “free.” It’s the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and that law spells freedom for every child of God who will embrace it.
But here’s the thing about a law; laws must be enforced. If laws aren’t enforced, there’s going to be a whole lot of law breaking going on.
The freedom Jesus purchased for you depends upon you enforcing this law. How do you do it? You enforce the law of the Spirit of life through active, persistent, faith!
If you’ll enforce the law in your life, you’ll enjoy the freedom that belongs to you in Christ Jesus. If not, your freedom (slowly but surely) will be stripped away.
Would you like to help us rescue a child from a life of total uncertainty into a life of freedom? CLICK HERE to learn more.