I want you to think of your reason(s). Why are you going? Why do you want to go? Perhaps it will help by answering a question the Lord asked in John 1:38. In that verse, the Lord turns to those first disciples who decided to follow Him, and He asks, “What do you seek?”
Your reason for going is related to what you are seeking. I can remember when I first answered that question for myself. It was several years ago, when I first began seeking the will of God for my life. I believe everyone who desires to follow Christ must give their answer, and over time the Lord will certainly shape the response after His own purpose.
The reply that rose up in my heart all those years ago forever affected me; it is forever etched in the first Bible I ever bought, one of my most prized possessions. My answer was this: The Souls of India. Well, here I am, and my answer remains the same. It seems that the Lord accepted my response because He has not held back in sending me to this place.