People sometimes ask, “what’s your greatest need?” That’s a big question, and it can be answered from at least two different angles; spiritual needs and natural needs. I’m going to share with you what I feel are our top 5 greatest needs, as laborers of the gospel serving in one of the most unreached parts of the world.
Of these 5 needs, I list them in order of what I consider to be greatest importance. The first 4 are all spiritual, but they also make all the difference in the natural. The final, 5th need, is natural.
- Wisdom – We need wisdom. King Solomon recognized that in order to lead God’s people effectively, this was his greatest need, and I believe it’s still true today. To do what God has called us to do we need a supernatural supply of heavenly wisdom. In dealing with people, we need wisdom. In stewarding resources, we need wisdom. In everything we do, we need wisdom.
- Laborers – We need laborers. Jesus identified this as the biggest hinderance to the multitudes being reached. We need men and woman of God to connect to the plan and purpose of God. We need God to send them out, and we as leaders need to raise them up. There’s so much in our hearts to do, but we can’t do any of it without the right people in the right place ready to serve.
- Unity – We need unity. Nothing is more productive than a unified team, and nothing is more destructive than division. We need to continually walk in love and in the spirit, and we need everyone God has called to serve alongside us to do the same. When our hearts are knit together and we’re pursuing a common purpose and vision, there’s nothing we cannot accomplish!
- Favor – We need favor. The favor of God, surrounding us like a shield, can make all the difference. Doors open, permission is granted, help is offered, people are drawn, all this through the power of God’s favor resting upon us. This speaks of the grace of God, and we know that without it, there’s nothing but struggle, but with the favor of God we’re launched forward.
- Resources – We need resources. Let’s face it, the gospel is free but getting it around the world isn’t cheap. There are always extra expenses, and the longer we serve the bigger our projects become. Right now we’re looking at several big projects, and there is an obvious need for God’s abundance. We need to remain conscious of The Source, not the need, and allow Him to supply.
Those are what I would consider our top 5 greatest needs. If you needed to know what to pray for us, there it is. Thank you for your prayers, and thank you for your support.
With Love,
Mike Van Buskirk