Was, is, ahead… - Soul-Purpose!

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Today, like any other, we are faced with the opportunity to look at what was, what is, and what lies ahead. Though the past and present are relevant, they do not weigh as heavily as what is coming. What lies ahead is what we must focus on.

Allowing what was and what is to distract us from seeing through eyes of faith is a common temptation. It takes faith to look boldly into the future regardless of what lays behind or beside us, and that is the very thing that God is looking for in His people. A bold, relentless, unwavering, undistracted, Holy Ghost fixed on the promises of God gaze is the kind of thing that simply will not accept anything less than God’s best!

God’s best is ahead of you! It’s not what was or what is, but it’s what is on the way that you and I must be praying about and focusing on. Let’s keep our hearts and minds fixed and ready. Big things are ahead!



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  • Published: 17 years ago on Monday, July 21, 2008
  • By:
  • Last Modified: July 21, 2008 @ 10:14 pm
  • Filed Under: Uncategorized
  • Tagged With:


  1. Peter Oni says:

    I believe Faith is the main thing we base our relationship on with God.Through faith we get acquainted with God and make sure there is peace between us and God so we can easily communicate with Him and take instructions directly from Him. All those things done open the door for the supernatural wealth transfer coming our way. We need effectual, fervent and continuous prayer for breakthroughs in every area of our life. Again Faith and prayer are the bottom line for getting big things ahead.

    Mike, your statement was powerful. God richly bless you for sharing.
    Yours In Christ

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