What can we do in this trying time, a time when there seems to be so many limits? What is possible for those who believe?
We are only limited by what we allow to limit us. Overcoming those limits begins in our mind; the seat of our imagination. The Church can do what she imagines she can…
We can pray, and we ought to pray big prayers. The God we serve and live for is big beyond imagination, and He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond all we can ask or think. We must think, and we must ask, and we must expect God to do what only He can do.
We can harness modern technology. It’s easier than ever to connect the world over, and now is the time to put that connectivity to work. Connect and strengthen your connections through the use of available technology.
We can give. Much seems restrained in this day and hour, and if we allow the fear and pressure in, it will force generosity out. The Church must remain open handed and give as the Holy Spirit leads. If He’s not leading you, it’s possible you’re not following Him.
We can rest. And this may well be the ultimate lesson to learn in this season. It’s a forced rest, which is something God has executed throughout history’s past. Our go-go-go and do-do-do lifestyle has suddenly become stop and stay; pray, connect, give, and rest.
So there you have it: Pray, connect, give, rest. What else can the Church do?