It’s simple really; the day will come when a one world government will mandate what the Bible calls the “mask of the beast.” Wait, I meant the “mark of the beast”. (Mark, not mask, though they are eerily similar.)

Why is this important? The mandated “mark” is an irreversible, unredeemable, seal your fate for eternity, issue. As believers in Christ, we don’t want any soul lost for eternity. If we say, “Wear your mask” today, do we not understand it’s just conditioning the multitudes to take the mark tomorrow?
By standing up for personal freedom in the face of tyrannical oppression now, we are the voice the world needs. Once that mark is taken, all hope is lost for that individual. Therefore, it is our responsibility to reject the notion of forced anything; especially something that so obviously links today with the coming antichrist beast system of tomorrow.
Bottom line: There should always be a choice. If someone chooses to wear a mask as a matter of personal preference, that’s fine. The issue is when a choice no longer exists, and instead the mandate must be followed.
Christians going along with this current tide of surrendering personal liberty is irresponsible at best. At worst, it’s helping to seal the eternal fate of those who will continue to go along with the flow past the point of no return.
I know opinions abound, what do you think?